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CPU Library: Dive into the technical specifications of all available laptop and desktop processors. Access detailed information on architecture, clock speeds, cache, and integrated graphics to make informed decisions.

Snapdragon X Plus X1P-64-100
Core(threads): 10 (10) |Boost: 3.4Ghz | Base: 3.4 Ghz | Segment: Laptops

Snapdragon X Elite X1E-78-100
Core(threads): 12 (8) |Boost: 3.4Ghz | Base: 3.4 Ghz | Segment: Laptops

Snapdragon X Elite X1E-84-100
Core(threads): 12 (8) |Boost: 4.2Ghz | Base: 3.8 Ghz | Segment: Laptops
Snapdragon X Elite X1E-00-1DE
Core(threads): 12 (8) |Boost: 4.3Ghz | Base: 3.8 Ghz | Segment: Laptops

AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS
Core(threads): 6 (12) |Boost: 4.5Ghz | Base: 3.3 Ghz | Segment: Laptops, Desktops

AMD Ryzen 9 6900HS
Core(threads): 8 (16) |Boost: 4.9Ghz | Base: 3.3 Ghz | Segment: Laptops, Desktops